Frequently Asked Questions

First vancouver relaxation massage session faq

What Can I expect from my first session?

For your first session, please arrive 10 minutes early, so you can fill out some paperwork to ensure we give you a customized treatment. After filling this out and confirming payment, we will have a conversation around boundaries and hold space for you to speak about what is on your heart.

The treatment includes meditative, massage, Reiki, counselling, and integration elements. To conclude the session, we hold some time to debrief the experience before we say good-bye.

benefits of relaxation massage vancouver faq

What are the benefits of HOlistic Bodywork?

Numerous studies have shown that holistic bodywork, in the style of Benevolent Bodywork, has innumerable physical, emotional, and spiritual benefits, including:

Relax the body, ease pain, enhance vital signs, stabilize body temperature, stimulate oxytocin – the cuddle hormone, slow heart rate – lowering blood pressure, decrease the risk of heart disease, lower the stress hormone cortisol, help provide better sleep, strengthen immune system, increase proper digestion, release serotonin, release tension and tightness, help relieve migraine pain, reduce rates of depression and anxiety, emotional release of shame, guilt, and past trauma, experience pleasure, joy, and feeling loved, cultivate self-kindness, reduce irritability, increase sociability, strengthen relationships and emotional connection, give comfort and relieve sadness, have transparent conversations about choice and desire, enhance a sense of well-being, increase positivity and good mood, and more!

insurance on massage reiki vancouver burnaby faq

Can I get this covered by my insurance?

Benevolent Bodywork employees have attended an accredited educational institution to offer our services. Some even achieve over 2200 hours and the status of RMT in other provinces or countries, but are unable to issue receipts for insurance purposes, due to BC’s regulation and bylaws.

Sessions with us are for relaxation and alternative healing purposes only, and are a great option for individuals who do not claim under an insurance plan.